  • Faculty

    International Economics and Trade

    Guanghui Li

    Research Interests:Border Economy, Free Trade Zones and Open Economies, Regional Economic Development and Regional Strategy
    Work Experience

    Vice President of the China International Economic Association and Director of the Border Economic Cooperation Committee; Deputy Secretary-General of the Economic Work Committee of the China Association for the Promotion of National Unity; Ph.D. supervisor at the University of International Business and Economics; Expert for multiple think tanks and ministries; Speaker at the 19th Collective Study Session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee; Former Deputy Director of the International Trade and Economic Cooperation Institute of the Ministry of Commerce of China; Expert enjoying special allowances from the State Council. Currently serving as the Dean of the China Border Economic Research Institute at Guangxi University and the Director of the Research Institute of China (Guangxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone.

    Projects and Publications

    Published over 200 articles in various authoritative media such as People's Daily, Economic Daily, Ziguangge, and International Trade; authored 10 monographs including "Introduction to Border Economics"; Led and served as Principal Investigator for two major projects funded by the National Social Science Foundation; participated in and led research and writing of multiple documents of the State Council; participated in over 200 projects commissioned by international organizations, national ministries, local governments, and enterprises.

    Honors and Awards

    More than 30 projects, either led or participated in, have been awarded provincial and ministerial-level research achievement awards. For instance, "Research on Open Development Policies along the Border," which I led and edited, was awarded the Excellent Research Achievement Award by the National Development and Reform Commission. "Strategic Research on Northeast Asia Regional Economic Cooperation," "Strategic Thinking on China's Economic and Trade Relations during the 12th Five-Year Plan Period," "Development Strategy of China's Free Trade Zones," and "Strategic Research on Open Development along China's Borders" won the first prize of the National Commerce Achievement Award. The research project I spearheaded as the project leader on "Issues and Countermeasures for the Development of China's Border Cities under the Belt and Road Initiative" received instructions from national leaders. The "2020 Annual Report on the Development of China's Border Economy",won the second prize of the Business Development Research Achievement Award in 2021. Additionally, the "2018 Annual Report on the Development of China's Open Development along the Border" received the third prize for Outstanding Social Science Achievement in Guangxi.

  • ADD:No.100 Daxue Road, Nanning, Guangxi, China


    Email: gsc@gxu.edu.cn
